Gestational diabetes question


I am on 500mg of metformin at night for GD and my fasting number is all over the place still. One day it’s 85, next day it’s 103. I eat the same thing for dinner every single night and at the same time🤷🏻‍♀️

I have an appointment on Monday so I plan to ask my dr then but I figured I’d see if anyone here has personal experience with this.

My scheduled csection is for March 5th, I’ll be 39 weeks exactly. If my fasting numbers don’t get under control will they take him by csection before 39 weeks? Has anyone had to have a baby before 39 weeks due to GD? Im guessing it’s a case by case basis but just trying to prepare myself for whatever the outcome might be.

We’re doing weekly ultrasounds and he failed the ultrasound last week due to “no fetal breathing in 30 mins.” And then I had to have a NST which he finally passed.

I didn’t have this with my first and he came on his own at 37 weeks exactly but ended in an emergency csection, so kind of just trying to get an idea of what usually happens with an uncontrolled fasting number. And NO I do not want him to come early 😬😬