Heart rate increase 😳


My OB told me this is completely normal... but good lord. Between this, and being off my anxiety meds, I have been spiraling this week. Heart palps are out of control, I lose my breath so easily and then I start panicking and get tight in my chest and upper back. My blood pressure is staying in the mid 130s over high 70s, too, which isn't normal at all for me. Used to be 110/70 ALWAYS up until I got pregnant. I just started labetolol, and I'm seeing my cardiologist Monday for a full checkup. Anyone else having heart issues or fears? This is freaking me out. I'm 33 and was previously diagnosed with anxiety (health anxiety to be specific) and benign tachycardia so I'm really, really struggling here. I'm only 13 weeks, too. I'm so scared my anxiety is hurting the baby and that I can't do this for 6 more months 😭