Anyone been patient the entire pregnancy and now are just over it?


Due feb 19th. The entire pregnancy I’m like “40 weeks we’ve got this hang in there”. My attitude towards that over the past week or so... I am done. I am tired and uncomfortable and sick of being sick. I’ve had HG (hypermesis gravidarum) this entire pregnancy and have been on IV’s, meds, you name it. I’m 38+3 and I am DOOOONNNNEEEEE. I just want to see his face and snuggle him and just be able to feel the relief of knowing this was all worth it. I’ve lost 42 lbs this pregnancy and it’s been absolute h*ll. Baby has been super healthy and weight is great. I’m 2 cm dilated and thinned out as of last weeks appointment and I JUST WANT MY BABY NOW LOL.