How to break away?

The father of my child and I have been together 3 years now. Our daughter is going to be 2 soon. I try to convince myself things are going to be okay and I love him forever and all the helpless romantic stuff you should feel for the father of your child. But I’m questioning to many things and I fear he’ll propose one day and I won’t know how to say no. I love him. But I’m no longer in love with him. I’ve tried talking about my feelings an he’ll get upset an I’ll feel so bad. Because he said he still loves me but I think he’s just afraid to be alone too. The spark is gone. I try to do things to make it come back but it doesn’t. I’m afraid to left go. But then I think if I die tomorrow am I living the life I wanted? Nothing is violent or terrible but the love just isn’t there anymore and idk how to move on from someone who gave me the world. As I should love him because he’s so great. I just can’t force myself to love someone my heart can no longer love and it’s no fair for him. Idk how to go through this heart break.