I feel guilty


Okay, so I’ve been with my current boyfriend for over 4 months and we’ve already dropped the L bomb. His last girlfriend he was with her for 5 months and other than her he hasn’t really had any other official girlfriends, just little flings. He was a total dickhead before. As in, grade A fuckboy. His last girlfriend, she told him she loved him and he turned her down and never said it back, before her with another girl he’d never claim her as his girlfriend publicly and kept their whole thing basically a secret. And now that me and him are together, he’s almost like a completely different person (and it took me so long to actually trust him) but he’s doing things with me that didn’t do to the other girls. Telling me he loved me, introducing me to his family including his mother, taking me to family events, publicly claiming me as his girlfriend - and now some of the girls that he’s done wrong in the past are kind of hating on me. One of them really tried to start trouble with me, I won’t get into it because it’s a long story but I kept trying to just ignore them all. But part of me feels guilty because they’ve had their hearts broken by this guy who’s basically showing me the world and more. Even, one of the girls tried to befriend me and I found out from someone else that she only did that so she could get closer to him again. Everything’s just a bit crazy when it comes to him. I don’t know. I just feel bad, and I don’t know why.