
What are some new things that your bubbys have learned to do?

I feel my little girl is quite behind on her milestones 🙈 i know baby’s do things at different rates but every other baby at her group her age can do A LOT more than she can 🙈

So she’s now 5 months old. She can occasionally roll from stomach to back but not often. She holds her head up by herself most of the time but is still quite wobbly with it at times. She can lift her head during tummy time and pushes onto her hands. This is all tho. She doesn’t laugh, she can’t roll back to front, she doesn’t try hold her bottle, her head control still isn’t great.

Am I just being paranoid? Please don’t shoot me down I’m a first time mum and just get worried about her not doing things like other babies are 😔