Really worried

Have a app at the docs today for an examination. For the past two years I’ve had some discomfort down there. They’ve always ruled it off as thrush. I’ve took the meds for it and it’s half helped. Recently the past few months it’s felt like my cervix is inflamed. I occasionally get this horrific feeling that stops me from sitting, standing or moving at all. I get it where my cervix is. I’m really worried, I was examined for it and they said it was fine. Now they’re wanting to examine it again.

My Nan is taking me to the GP today but I’m extremely nervous. Why do they just keep examining it? Why can’t they just work our what’s wrong with me. It’s so hard having to keep going and showing them it leaves me mortified and so uncomfortable for the rest of the day.

I looked on google and it’s looking like cervicitis, but this can cause infertility. Ive been with my partner the past 3 years. In those three years (yes I know it’s extremely stupid) we’ve had unprotected sex. We’ve done this a lot, and he has cum in me a lot. I’ve never once gotten pregnant. I’m worried that this has been left so long that I’m no longer fertile.

If this is the case is there anything I can do? Just with me complaining for 2 years to the doctors and then keep ruling it out and saying I’m fine. I don’t know if I’m overeating or if I’m just worried or if there’s actually something wrong. But what I do know is when the pain comes it feels like something is seriously wrong. As I’ve never felt anything like it.