Asking my ex to hang with my bf and I

My ex is in town, wants to hang out. We’re still friends, but recently I started dating someone and he’s my roommate. My ex asked about linking up at my place to play games, so I told him I don’t live alone that my bf is there as well as another couple we’re friends with and asked if he’d be okay meeting everyone. Is that fucked up? My bf doesn’t want me hanging with him alone because he doesn’t trust my ex, in the past my ex was on bullshjt and my bf doesn’t want him to hurt me, so I’m not allowed to hang with my ex without him being there. He says that my ex shouldn’t have a problem with it if he’s not on some dumb fuckboi shit but I feel like he can not be okay with it and not be on some sketch shit yknow? If he asked me that I’d feel like he was trying to hurt me or at the very least I wouldn’t want to go, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want my ex to think I’m trying to hurt him. I also really don’t want my bf to get hurt either

Maybe I’m just being a dumbass I dunno

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