First round on Clomid


I had my first Clomid tablet on day 6 of my cycle, and did a clear blue advance digital ovulation test and got the flashing smiley face on day 13, and it has remained flashing until today (day 20) I finally got the solid smiley face, meaning today is my peak day, I have been feeling really nauseous for a week straight, idk if it’s a normal symptom or if something else is going on. I’m going in for the day 21 progesterone test tomorrow, but have read other posts where ladies have gone in the day after peak ovulation and the tests came back with low readings because they have ovulated a day early. I’m sooo confused with all of this, my husband and I have been TTC for over 2 years, I have been diagnosed with PCOS, I have so many questions, but now that I’m typing I can’t think of the majority of them 🤦🏼‍♀️

Any advice would be greatly appreciated TIA

Sending baby dust to all you lovely ladies 🥰