Told to find a job so I find one and now it’s not good enough

I’m 24 and was going to school but then dropped out and my parents have been covering my bills for a bit. Told to find a job and I’ve applied with no luck but still waiting to hear back from a full time position. Applied to a car auction place where I’d drive cars part time 32 hours with $12 pay which is minimum where I live. So now my parents are furious and saying I can’t work there. And talking about the sleezy people there. Then suggested I should get my old job back which is part time $11.50 an hour and 26-29 hours a week and farther commute and I was sexually harassed there 🙄 Ya makes fucking sense. My mom was trying to fill my dad on details even tho she didn’t even know what they were. No one communicates except going based off my moms assumptions, he somehow thought I’d be driving me own car around all day then their excuse was they don’t want the wear and tear on the car. My commute would be 26-35 minutes. Any suggestions as I am financially dependent on them it just pisses me off cause then my mom went on how word of advice I should never have kids and he just trying to be controlling

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