Gender Predictions Please Read !!!!


Hello, Fellow August Moms! A lot of you are first time moms, or having your 2nd+ bundle of joy. The excitement and anticipation of what’s to come is an obstacle within itself. Gender Predictions has a group for theories and old wives tales. Ask yourself would you post in the “October 2020 babies” with a due date of August? Why not? It will be absurd to post in October babies with a due date of August. The same applies to posting gender predictions in August 2020 when there is a group specifically designed for gender theories. August group should be for helpful tips, updates, advice, relatable post, sharing your joy thoughts or rants knowing your not alone during this journey. I don’t say this to be malicious or rude but simply to ask that predictions are posted in the appropriate group. Doing so will allow questions, concerns, advice, tips, daily hacks to take priority instead of searching through a sea of gender predictions.

(Gender predictions is pinned at the top of August 2020)

I wish you all a happy, pleasant unproblematic pregnancy.