Crumbs, I feel depressed.


This is more of a space to rent for myself so feel free to ignore but comments of loveliness welcome.

After trying for 5 years, really thought this was my month. My body sometimes seems to trick me into feeling pregnancy symptoms but AF came, like she always bloody does. Pardon the pun.

Feeling so shitty and depressed now. Cant be bothered to work or shower or move.

You ever feel like everyone else gets a pot full of luck and you've been forgotten?

Luckily my boyfriend is a top bloke so he's my pot of gold I guess.

GAH! I never though ttc would be an issue for me and theres no reason as to why we are having problems which makes it worse somewhat!😓

This app community has been a haven for me the past few days though, its good to know you're not alone even if all your bloody friends are preggers! 😏