Bf told me he doesn’t know if he wants to be in the room??!!

Hello, so I was reading something about baby, and I was thinking about some stuff as well, so I decided to ask my S/O boyfriend if he was going to be in the room with me when his daughter is born? You would think just automatically yes that’s what fathers/dads want to be and be a part of with their firstborn’s especially I feel, my sons dad (separate dad) was in the room I never had to ask him if he was or wasn’t. Well he told me he wasn’t sure that he doesn’t want to be in there with me, it’s disgusting and he doesn’t know if he wants to be in the room when she is born!? Wtf!! Really!! I instantly shut down and started feeling alone and not supported and that he is being selfish and doesn’t want to be supportive towards me or the baby in that being said it broke my heart. another conversation we had because I’ve bought everything so far for the baby, that I asked if he was going to buy anything for her he said yeah diapers! Like wow that’s it! You need to buy more then that! I’m not doing this by myself then I started questioning why! Why am I here trying if it’s all one sided, idk what to do or how to have this Conversation with him without breaking down and freaking out! Help me please what should I do leave or talk about it see if it don’t then stay or what?!! I’m so alone feeling and not supported or care for her in anyway.