


Another miscarriage hoping to find out what is causing me to miscarriage at 6 weeks.... I’m miserable πŸ˜”πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ 2 miscarriages in 2 years

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Sorry for your loss. I recently had my 2nd miscarriage in November which also was 2 in 2 years... really my doctor just said try again and maybe I'll have to take a baby aspirin. Last time I had low progesterone numbers so she put me on suppositories and said for the next pregnancy get blood work early and see if in need it again. It's frustrating. I'm sorry for your loss


S β€’ Feb 13, 2020
What is a baby aspirin ? I’ve had 2 losses and when I was preparing for second d&b my dr deadass looked me in the eyes and said β€œ3rd times a charm”