Naked grinding, late period:)

I don’t care how stupid I look asking this, but I’m an incredibly paranoid person and I’d like some input.

My bf and I were gettin hot and heavy like a week ago, one day before my period was supposed to start. We were both completely naked. I straddled him, sitting on top of his penis but it never penetrated me. I also took the tip and ran it up and down the outside lips of my vagina, and we grinded a bit. But the tip never went inside of the lips at all.

Then I gave him a blowjob and he came all over my stomach and pelvis area.

My period is a week late. I’m used to being irregular but damn I’m just paranoid😂Never had actual sex either, that’s the furthest I’ve ever gone so I’m freaking out a bit.

I know it’s possible, yet very unlikely, to get pregnant as a virgin. No semen ever went directly inside my vagina. Does anyone know percentages or general likelihood of pregnancy occurring from grinding is there’s no semen involved initially? Since there could’ve been precum? And the likelihood of getting pregnant from semen being close to the outer lips/possibly getting on them when I’m very wet?

I’m ready for all the comments telling me how dumb I am, but all I’m asking for is some insight please. Thanks.


Thank you so much for being kind, everyone. I posted something similar before and I got gifs of people rolling their eyes and comments just making me feel dumb lol! Thanks for the insight and actual words. Still no period but I’m definitely less stressed than before. Thank you thank you thank you, ladies.

Another update:

Literally 3 minutes after typing that, I go to the bathroom and voila. Here’s my period 😅 time to go on birth control