Child support question?


So, my daughter is almost 6 years old and her fathers has been paying child support since she was almost 2. He probably paid around $500 for the first 6 months, then i dropped it to $300 and for as long as i can remember he’s been paying $200 a month. He is involved in her life and gets her every weekend. He frequently ask me to take him off and I’m honestly torn. He takes care of her when he has her but I have her majority of the time. His $200 pays for her extracurricular activities. That’s it. He says he’ll continue to pay for those things but does not want to be in the system because he keeps hitting roadblocks when trying to make big purchases because of the child support. However, in the past he has been unreliable. Late on payments or not helping at all. He works a pretty good job but he’s not the best with money and frequently complains about gas money to pick her up. He’s a great dad but has been unreliable in the past. I don’t know if i should take him off and chance it or leave him on and continue to have the child support convo. Any tips? Feedback?