38wks 3days baby transverse

NINA • Mom of 4 baby #5 soon to come in Feb 2020

She moved on me last night and was head down for the entire month til last night she moved sideways her head is laying on my right side feet on the left 2yrs ago my other daughter did the same thing at 37wks but im 38wks now with another girl and i have had all kids naturally no epidurals this 5th and last baby getting tubal done and i pray she moves back head down because honestly i wouldnt be able to afford a c.section cuz i have a 2yr old thats needs attention too so i have til monday night to get her to move back b4 induction starts im scheduled 2/17/20 so prob have her Tuesday morning 2/18/20🤰🤗🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️