Am I wrong to be annoyed?

So my husband was out for some drinks with his colleagues last night, said he would be done by 8 and he would pick up from my brothers house right after and we can head home as we both have early mornings the next day.

At 8.30 I called him and he rejected my call, messaging me later saying what's up? So I asked where he was as I was getting tired, he said he would be leaving in 20 minutes as they were delayed getting to the place.

When he got me to me, I was annoyed but didn't say anything, just gathered my things and we left my brothers heading home. He could see I was annoyed so he kept prodding me for an explanation as to why I'm annoyed and no matter what I said, he would twist it to make it seem like I was wrong and he denied ever giving me a time frame and said how he was doing me a favour by picking me up from my brothers and how I'm so ungrateful..

This of course pissed me off, so it turned into a full blown argument. Although I was initially annoyed, I had not expressed it and had he not said anything, my annoyance would have passed and everything would have been fine.. but now he's left me feeling like I had no right to be annoyed in the first place and that I embarrass him when I call him when he's out with friends.. Was I wrong to call? Was I wrong to be annoyed?

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