Who over-reacted?

So the situation is , the sister in law had left her 3 month old daughter at the in laws . She went ikea and expected me and my mother in law to watch her . No Problem as we've changed her multiple times if she poos, needs her clothes changing etc and she's always dropped her off and it's never been a problem.

During the day she then picked up her son from nursery and had dropped her son off. Later her husband had finished work early so they went out to eat for lunch leaving her daughter with us. No Issue .

Later my second sister in law came back from work and the eldest sister in law then left her son and went home with her daughter to rest.

Later in the evening , she cake back to pick up her so but she decided she wanted to use our gym and left her daughter downstairs with all of us .

My second sister in laws' husband had been playing with her and swinging her too much . That after 15 mins she projectiled vomited whilst everyone watched and her husband didn't do anything.  I was the only one that had changed her and washed her vomit , dried her .

An hour later she came back downstairs , and started getting pissed that no one texted her that her daughter had  vomited and that she's her mother she should know of everything.

Let me clarify she's never ever had a problem before and secondly I've always treated her daughter like my own as she was 2 week older then my son who had been a stillbirth .

She took her her kids and left . Honestly felt so unappreciated like it was in the moment and i had been cleaning her puke up and fed her bottle milk that i didnt think to text her to let her know and i apologised . Like she didn't say she wants a diary of everytime she pukes, poos , Wees .

She went home and sent a long paragraph god she feels like she can't trust us with her daughter and son any more .

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