Inside Activities??

Sadie • • 𝗪𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐲 • 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚 •

Help me out ya’ll. Am I alone here???? I’m a SAHM and feel like a crappy mom.

I’m 35 weeks pregnant and since the weather has been wayyyyy too cold or wayyyyy to rainy yo be outside what are some inside activities to do with your baby? I keep nesting so I feel like she just watches tv or plays by herself most of the day

We color, read books, cuddle, do flash cards, play with play dough, and play with her toys. But most of it only lasts 10 minutes or i think of something that NEEDS to be done.

Any ideas on activities to do? Im lost. Pintrest inst helping and I feel like a failure