TTC w Medication


Hi there, so my husband and I have been trying since April. I’ve been off BC since February. I was on the shot. My OBGYN suggested that if we aren’t pregnant by 2/27 then she would start me on Medication for possible PCOS.

I thought I was pregnant this past week possibly because in January I had a VERY mild period/spotting it was brownish/light pink. if that, it didn’t fill par or anything. And I had two positives then and went to the doctor and had test done and they were negative. Then these past 2 weeks I’ve been having EXTREMELY tender breast and fatigue and took test because my period was due 2/8 and didn’t show then. They came back positive but then 2/12 I had some Brownish/Light pink spotting again and it’s not enough to fill a pad or anything. But I assume it’s AF.

Anyways, My questions are:

Had any one used Metformen for TTC or PCOS?

How long did it take to Conceive?

Any side affects?

Should I ask about different medications to take?