Not feeling myself?


21y/o - 12 weeks 3 days - first time mummy.

I’m feeling not much like myself at the moment and everything feels very surreal.

My boyfriend and I have had a bit of a tiff last night (it was just me leaving because he wouldn’t cuddle me) but I can’t get over the feeling that he’s only with me because of the baby and that he doesn’t love me. I feel like everything I’m doing is a mistake and I’m scared about being a mum. My body feels like it has changed so much already so I feel like it isn’t mine anymore and I haven’t even broken the first trimester; I’m scared about what it will be like after I give birth.

I’m worried about money constantly. I wake up every night at 2am and can’t get back to sleep and then go to work at 8am.

I’m exhausted and so anxious and feel very lonely.

Does anyone else feel the same way? Can anyone reassure me that it will be okay?