Accurate DPO??


Me and husband decided to start ttc in January. I wasnt getting my period because i had an IUD. I removed my IUD on january 6th, had NO bleeding and started using the clearblue <a href="">ovulation tracker</a>. I got high fertility on the 18-20 and peak fertility the 21-22nd. So ive been using the 22nd as date of conception because i have no other way to count the weeks since i conceived on my first try after the IUD removal and didnt get a period. I have my first appointment on tuesday 2/18 and im trying to be realistic about whether or not ill see a heartbeat. If i conceived on the 18th, ill be 6 weeks and 3 days, and if i conceived on the 22nd ill be barely 6 weeks. Any thoughtss ? I also tested positive on January 31st so it would make more sense if i conceived the 18 rather than the 22nd. Just any thoughts ? Im a first time mom and a psycho 😂😂😂 so anyyy ideas will help 😊😊