Sleep Training


So, I know a lot of people don’t agree with this, but I was at the end of my rope with how hard getting my son to sleep has been, night and naps. My anxiety is getting so bad and I’ve been easy to enrage.

After talking with some of my mom friends and some internet searching, my husband and I decided to start sleep training. Officially started last night.

And I don’t want to jinx the process, but so far it’s going sooo well! Collectively he only cried about 10 minutes last night (it sucked, but had to think long term). And I just put him down for his first nap and he didn’t cry at all!! 😱 He rolled around for about 8 minutes that got comfy and fell asleep! I’M IN SHOCK!

I hope this helps him (&us) get the rest we need!!

Here’s a pic of him in dreamy land 💙🧡

P.S. That’s his wubanub he’s snuggling..he just recently started holding it and I don’t have the heart to take it away!