Happy Valentines Day from my peanut

Vanessa • Navy wife and mom to an angel in heaven, and three beautiful girls on earth! Trying to navigate quarantine life, running a small business, and having a toddler and a small baby’s at the same time while the oldest does virtual school. Oh what a world we li

I had been having cramping on my right side yesterday that was bothering me so my doctor scheduled an earlier ultrasound for this morning and I found out I’m a few days behind which I knew I would be, but baby had a heartbeat at 6w1d! And the pictures look like an engagement ring!

New due date is October 8,2020!

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Posted at
That is amazing💙🙏🏻


Posted at
I pray I get an ultrasound that looks like this on Thursday. I may have a blighted ovum


Spirit Momma Bursey • Feb 15, 2020
It really makes me happy to hear you got pregnant again so fast! I pray all is well ay this scab!


Emily • Feb 15, 2020
But I am pregnant already and going in for my first ultrasound this week. Praying it’s ok.


Emily • Feb 15, 2020
I also experiment a blighted ovum this past January. My sac was measuring 6 weeks and I was actually almost 9:/ My hcg levels got up to 40,000, so I was feeling really pregnant:/ It was really sad. But I am