Should I stop making an effort?

So I have this friend, she’s 17 and still in high school and I’m 18 almost 19 barely in my second semester of college. We were really tight in high school and I knew when I went off to college she was gonna become busy because we were both in a program together, it’s how we met. In the summer and first semester of college we’d still hang out pretty often. But a few weeks ago I was doing my own thing hanging out with my boyfriend and trying to find a job because I really need one and I hadn’t talked to her in a couple weeks, so she texts me and she’s asking me if I’m mad at her or something and stuff like that and I told her I had no reason to be mad and I’ve just been searching for a job and stuff and she was kinda ticked off and replied to me asking why she didn’t know that.

Overall she was mad that she was always the one reaching out to hang out and I told her that I knew she was gonna get busy so I was letting her live her life. Now a couple weeks have gone by and we’ve only hung out once but I’ve been consistently making an effort to hang out and every time I ask if she’s free she says she doesn’t know yet or she has something to do. So at this point I’m just kinda tired of trying to make an effort when she isn’t anymore so do I just continue to do me or what? I honestly don’t know what to do