4days late negative test

I’m 4 days late today for the first time ever I tried checking my own cervix no idea wtf I was doing lol but noticed it didn’t feel the same felt more firm, there was a really creamy liquid very light though, I haven’t got my hopes up till last night for the 3rd time I randomly tasted blood. Wasn’t bleeding brushed my teeth and was going to bed happened a few days before to. Also few more days ago I just randomly kept getting hit with waves of wanting to cry lol wasn’t sad but had to let it out, then prior I was cranky af for 2 days mean and snappy to my SO, & very irritated with my bestfriend which has never happened before. Took 2 different test today and nothing :/ also a very light cramping randomly for the last 4 days I think if not more, pictures of my cycle also I’ve never had a regular period so trying not to get my hopes up. We’ve been trying for 14months for baby #2also the cramps are left not like period cramps.