Almost 5 months PP and sex still doesn’t feel right

Chloe • Mum to 2 boys

I’m almost 5 months post partum and sex doesn’t feel right, we didn’t have sex for the first time after baby until 13 weeks pp and all I felt was stretching and stinging, the good sensation was completely gone. We have had sex about 3 more times since then and the stinging feeling has gone away but it still doesn’t feel normal, it feels like my baby is coming out again (obviously nowhere near as painful but the same sensation) I’m worried that the good sensation from sex will never come back, it’s getting to the point where I don’t even want to do it because it doesn’t make me feel how it should!

Am I expecting too much from my body? Or has it been long enough?

I had a second degree deep muscle tear from delivering my son with his arm along his face with his hand on the top of his head. I still had pain from the area of the tear until 12 weeks pp