Car wreck may have sent me into labor (kinda long)
Thursday Feb 6, on the way home from a prenatal appointment, I rear ended someone going 40 mph on the interstate who had come to an abrupt complete stop. I suspect they were out for an insurance check by the woman’s behavior (she was yelling into the ambulance for my insurance info despite having been told repeatedly that someone would get it for her.) I was 36 weeks pregnant and the airbag had deployed, hitting me in the stomach. I’ll add that I’m very short so I have to drive with my stomach kissing the steering wheel already. This is something that has always scared me as a possibility, so when it happened I was beside myself.
I was taken back to the hospital where I was monitored overnight and told that I’d dilated to 5 cm from 4 cm since the impact, but that they didn’t think I was going into labor. Other than that and some big bruises from the airbag and seatbelt, I was released with a clean bill of health for me and baby 🙌🏼🙌🏼
I spent one night back home and then the next day I started having what I thought were back pains from my car wreck and some Braxton Hicks contractions around 5 pm. I started tracking them around 8 pm when I realized they were not going away and had started to intensify, still in denial that it could be labor 😂 by 4 am my contractions jumped from 15 mins apart to 7, so I woke my fiancé up and we headed to the hospital. On the 20 minute drive there my contractions intensified and went from 5 to 3 mins apart. I could barely speak to the hospital when I called lol.
We arrived at the hospital where they took me straight back and checked me, I was 10 cm and he was locked and loaded! They called my doctor in and ordered me an epidural. About ten minutes later I still had no epidural and I was just laying on my side sweating and saying oh no oh no oh no 😅😅 so the nurses assistant went down the hall and told the doctor to hurry up 😂 I was finally given my epidural (thank you Jesus) and was able to comfort my fiancé who looked like he may faint 😂
My doctor showed up 15 minutes later and immediately let me push. Six pushes and he was out! 😳
Only one small first degree tear with one stitch (I tore horribly with my first 😭)
His oxygen levels dropped and he had to be taken to the NICU for 2 days to recover and then 2 more because his jaundice levels had spiked. They said it could be partially to do with his fast delivery he didn’t get all the mucus squished out in the birth canal.
He’s back home now, but big brother had to go stay with Mawmaw because he has some cold sores on his mouth and I’m paranoid! If you read this far thanks for reading lol, I’m really just posting for my own record while it’s fresh on my mind. Here’s the star of the show
Myles Robert Kelley born Feb 9, 2020, 6:31 am. 7 lbs 4 oz, 20 in. 💙💙💙

Oh and side story: My car ended up being totaled. My fiancé and I discussed what kind of car I might like if I had the money one of the nights in the hospital and looked at some pics of 2010 - 2012 Honda Odyssey’s on his laptop. Two days later when I was discharged, he pulls up to get our luggage in a 2019 Honda Odyssey with every feature I said I would have liked!! I couldn’t register what I was even looking at. He hopped out of the drivers side and said why are you looking at me like that 😂 This man is something else.

Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.