11 week sleep


My baby boy ( 11 weeks) used to be a decent sleeper...from like 4 weeks on he would go down for the night between 11-12 and sleep for 3-6 hours, feed, another 2-3 hours, feed, and another 1-3 hours. Since about two weeks ago he hasn't slept more than 2 consecutive hours at night 😭. I've been doing everything the same- putting him down for naps every 1 1/2 hours awake, dark room, bath routine, white noise, nested bean. Looking at wonder weeks it seems like he is in between leaps, not in the middle of one. I also feel like he is feeding more in the day than he used to. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! I'm going back to work in a couple weeks and really need him to sleep more than 2 hours at a time, I need to sleep more. He's in a bassinet next to us, maybe I should set up the crib

in our room? The bassinet mattress is pretty hard and flimsy. We only have a one bedroom so he will be in our room for at least a year.

Pictures because he is still an angel 🥰