Sleep... finally!!


For those mamas that aren’t getting much sleep.. I hope this gives you hope !

My little one is almost 5 months (will be on the 21st). She has not been a great sleeper all along. During her 4 month sleep regression, she was sleeping like 20-40 minutes at a time 😩. Outside of the sleep regression, she would occasionally do stretches between 3 and 6 hours but that was on a good day. Usually it would be closer to a 3 hour stretch followed by 1 hour stretches. She is breastfed. She also doesn’t nap very well.

Our doctor gave us the OK to start foods and recommended that we start with oatmeal. Baby girl has also been showing interest in food (staring at my food when I eat and trying to reach for it)! We started with a tbsp of Nature’s Best baby oatmeal with an oz of warm breastmilk and fed it to her with a bowl and a spoon. We did this for the past 3 nights around 7pm (she doesn’t go to sleep til 9ish currently because her sleep schedule was all wacky but we’re going to try to bump it earlier now). Since the first day of giving the oatmeal at night, she has slept all night long!! Just about 7.5 hours (which I would consider sleeping through the night)! She has done this consistently for the past 3 nights with the oatmeal! I’m assuming maybe it’s helping to fill up her belly so she can stay asleep! I’m not sure but it seems that may be the case! Worth a try if you’re ready to start oatmeal and if your baby won’t sleep!!!! 🙏🏻🤞🏻