Loosing it..

My baby is 11 months old. I lost my job and became a SAHM, because of my husband's hours we haven't found anything that works with daycare to where I'd bring home money and not loose it. Anyways, I don't know if it's a phase or what is going on with me. I was so happy to stay home with my baby, he's the best and loosing my job was a blessing in disguise. We have pinched pennies and made it work but everytime I do the bills I get so depressed. I don't know if money is triggering it but my baby has been extremely difficult lately and between him, the house, the dogs and the bills I feel like I'm drowning. I've never had any issues like this but I feel so tired and down and I've been fully breaking down like once a week. I've never had issues with depression but sometimes I struggle just to get out of bed. I feel so bad because I make my baby just play by himself while I try to pull myself back together. Is this normal? Is this a phase that will pass? Is this motherhood? Most days are good, like really good but the bad days wreck me.