We're pregnant!

We were not planning on having a child before we get married, but we were not also not actively preventing this blessing. My love and i have been together for a wonderful year and a half. Last year we got pregnant, i had a miscarriage shortly after we found out. I know i want to have a baby, and this time we're excited and overjoyed about all the joys and challenges ahead of us. Today I'm 4 wks 5 days, and after a love filled valentines I'm full of warmth and happiness and i have to share my news. We're not announcing it yet, but i have told my best friend for support and excitement. I'm waiting another two weeks until i can see a primary doctor then i can schedule to be seen with an OBGYN. I'm guessing I'll want to announce to my family after my first set of appointments. In the mean time I'm already making changes to my diet and wellbeing. Starting to pay attention to my body and all the changes. I'm cramping up and i stumble upon a mood swing every 2 hours, but hey we're dealing with it. I've been taking my vitamins lately and recently I've had an open mind about getting pregnant. I considered birth control pills last fall but after so much research and unanswered questions i decided to avoid taking a pill. The side effects of those pill is what threw me into depression when i was a teenager. So I'm ecstatic and abit nervous. But more happy than anything. My love and i are in the stage of our relationship where we've learned each others bests and worst and we accept each other. I love this man with my whole heart and i can't wait to love his child and make family. Lets do this. Oct2020