In case you’re having a bad day

High there

Misery loves company, and you’ve come to the right place because I think there’s humor in pain a lot of the time.

My period, after starting on the same day for three months in a row, decided to wait two weeks this time. That’s right I was two weeks late, taking pregnancy tests, panicking and worrying I was pregnant, when BAM!

At work yesterday, during the height of the rush, I felt it. My period had just begun.

Now, I’m a waitress. I can’t just “step out” for a sec. So I quickly check my tables and they don’t need anything right this second. That was my chance.

I think it’s also important to add that I thought for sure my period had started at least a dozen times in the 2 1/2 weeks before yesterday, so I went to the bathroom half expecting to see some discharge and nothing else, but nah my period had started. After a tiny bathroom stall celebration in which I wiggled a little on the toilet, performing a celebratory dance that resembled a gleeful slug, that I was not, in fact, pregnant, I realized “shit. I don’t have a tampon.”

So here I am, BRAND NEW at my job I might add, (I finished training 5 days ago), asking my new coworkers if they have a tampon, I get one and get er done and taken care of.

Here I am, and now I have cramps. And OH SHIT it’s Valentine’s Day. I finished my shift, told my bf what was up, and we enjoyed a nice steak dinner at home and cuddled the rest of the evening.
