Need Advice....


I am going on 6 days past my expected period. I've been off the pill since November. Slowly my cycle is getting longer by a few days each month. Today is 38 days into this cycle. My last cycle was 33 days. (30 before that)

I've been nauseated slightly in the mornings but no vomiting. I've had worse lol. Usually I can feel my cycle coming on and the symptoms aren't like usual. I did have kinda like a sharp cramp for a few minutes here and there but it was different than like period cramps.

I've never tried to have a baby before this so I have no idea. The last time I was a few days late, I tested. It was negative and I was so sad. I think I'm avoiding that possibility because I want to hold onto the chance I'm late because we're pregnant.

Any advice? Should I just test?