Ghosting Story


While I was at work, the guy I had been seeing for a week or two asked if I’d be down to hangout and go to his place. All the other times we hung out, he came to mine, and since i was a young female hanging out with someone who was essentially a stranger, the thought of going to his place with no way to escape made me really nervous, but my friends talked me into it so I went.

He picked me up from my place of work at about 11 PM and we got half way to his house (20 minutes in to the car ride) before he confessed to me he, unlike myself, still lived with his parents and he’d “have to sneak me in because they’d kill him if he had a girl over”. This raised some red flags and I couldn’t help but wonder why he’d chance sneaking me in when I have my own place we could hang out at...but it was already too late.

We get to his place, his bedroom was down in the basement so sneaking in was easy. I dropped all of my stuff in the laundry room where he told me I could put my things. He suggested we get into his hot I dropped my clothes among my coat and bag and we head outside.

When we came back inside he helped me collect my things and carry them to his room. The following morning we wake up to pounding in his bedroom door, he hid me under the blankets and slid through a crack between his dad and his door where they argued back and forth for about 5 minutes.

He comes back into his room, rips the blanket off me, slaps my arm with the back of his hand and tells me to get up, we have to go. My stomach fell into my asshole. Clearly we hadn’t suck in as successfully as we had hoped. So frantically I’m rushing around to get clothes on. As we exit his bedroom and enter the hall to the laundry room, he tells me his dad found out I was there (no shit...obviously) but curious, I asked how? He points to my bag and says THATS how. I left my bag on top of the dryer 🤦🏼‍♀️

He grabs it and shoved it to me and proceeds out the door, me trailing behind him. In the driveway his dad is standing with his arms crossed, as I’m forced into the dreaded walk of shame.

We get into the car. Silence. He stops at a Dunkin Donuts and orders himself a coffee - doesn’t ask if I want one, doesn’t ask if I’d like to buy myself one. Nothing. Not a single word the whole 40-45 minute drive to my apartment. Finally we arrive after what feels like the longest, most painful car ride I’ve ever experienced. As I’m climbing out of his car, he says bye, I wave with a half smile, and book it to my building. I didn’t hear from him in 2 weeks until randomly he texts me, “miss you kiddo”, to which I never responded. Boy bye.

Never heard from him again. Thank God...he was a total asshole, probably a womanizer, and was into really weird shit...probably to compensate for how terrible he was in bed.

Got a good ghosting story? Were you the ghost or the ghosted? Share below!

Guess mine was kind of both?