Infected/sensitive earlobe piercings?

So when I was 12 ago I got standard earlobe piercings at Claire’s. (I know, I should’ve gone to a piercer, but I didn’t know any better at the time). They got infected and I got lumps of scar tissue (not visible to the naked eye, but you can feel them).

6 years later the lumps have started to fade, but whenever I put in earrings a few hours later my earlobes get pus and bleed. My GP is puzzled and said that any infection should’ve healed long ago. I’ve known I’m sensitive to cheap metals for awhile (mom too), but this happens with sterling silver and gold posts too. The holes themselves are healed (I didn’t wear earrings for 6 months and when I put them back in there was no problem).

Any idea what’s going on? Does this happen to anybody else? Any ideas on how to fix it?