Bfp after pcos diagnosis?... no periods in last 7-8 mths🤔

So, I got diagnosed with pcos officially 2 months ago however I suspected it for the last 8 months of ttc as my periods have been absent alltogether which makes ttc difficult as I was not ovulating at all according to opks, a few surges but then no af and no positive hpt 😭

I took all 4 of these tests today as last night I finally decided to try my opks again and I got a solid smiley positive on my clearblue and a very strong positive on the test strip. So I thought I would try the pregnancy test too as I have neverrrr had a strong positive opk in 8 months... and looks like I am possibly pregnant?

I have booked into the docs for tomorrow to get a blood test. All the docs put me on for the pcos was metformin but i only started that a week or so ago... however since 1st jan (6 weeks ago) I have completely overhauled my lifestyle, diet, exercise, no sugar etc so I am wondering if that was enough to make me ovulate...

Unfortunately I wasnt doing opks in last 2 months as It was getting exhausting and upsetting always having the same negative result so dh and I decided to give tracking those a break and just bd whenever we felt like it so it didnt feel so scheduled...

Just wanting to know if anyone has had something similar happen?

I dont think the metformin would give a false positive? And I am not on any other medication at all.

If its real this will be my first ever pregnancy and I know they use your last period to estimate how far along you are but my last period was over 8 months ago (so thats obviously not going to work), and I had a heap of bloodwork and ultrasound done in early december last year (to investigate the pcos) and they both showed no sign of pregnancy at all.

Trying not to get my hopes up incase its my body playing tricks on me?