Stuck...? Mentally?! Please read to understand lol


Idk if I even worded that right but my mind feels so stuck.. I feel like I’m not creative at all with anything... like I’m not witty I’m not funny I’m kinda juts blah... I feel like I do the same things, say the same things & my vocabulary is the same. I’m 22 and I feel like the way I talk and the way girls talk at 22 is so different.. I was at my friends house with 2 other girls & they were just funny and carried conversations it was just a good time but I feel like I’m so boring mentally & just don’t know what to talk about. I’m a mom too & idk I wanna be a fun mom & be creative help her with her school stuff but mentally I feel like I have a block.. also lol you see how I dragged this whole rant when I could’ve possibly made it in 3 sentences the most but I dragged it
