No ovulation but still pregnant?

Hi ladies. I’m not new at TTC but I’m just confused. My last period was Jan. 15. I wasn’t sure when I would ovulate, as I have hypothyroidism and it can cause my ovulation to be wonky. I’m on CD 31. I tracked my ovulation every single day since my period ended. All negatives. None even close to being positive. I started testing twice a day for weeks now and still nothing. On the 14th I had a little bit of blood mixed in with cervical mucus. I thought maybe I was going to ovulate, so I tested and have continued to test, still negative. My period has yet to come. I thought about testing but it makes me feel so dumb since I never got a positive opk. I haven’t had any actual bleeding, nothing as of yet. Any of you experience this? Could it be an anovulatory cycle and the bit of blood was all that’s going to happen?