Moving out and a sobbing mess


I’m 21 and this summer (which is in 3/4 months) I am going to move out of my parents house and into my BF’s. We want to make sure that we are compatible and can stand each other before we get engaged and ect. As it’s easier to end a date relationship than it is braking off an engagement. BUT I am a HUGE family person, I’m always with my family. I always sit downstairs and watch TV with my mom pretty much all day when I’m not at school/work/out. And my mom and I are super close like I’m closer with my mom than my younger sister. But right now it’s February and I just realized that in 3 months I will be moving in and I can’t believe it’s that close. This week I’ve been crying every time I think about it and wanting to spend every single moment with one of them and randomly crying because I know in 5/6 months I wrong be to do this all the time like I do now. ALSO when I’m not in class and he is at work I will be all alone at his place and it will feel empty and probably make me miss my family sooo much more. I have a pet bunny whose basically my child and helps me relax ALOT and he makes me feel better most of the time when he’s not being bad aha. But his place said no animals (he got it the week before we meet aha) and he’s going to try to talk the landlord into letting hmmm my bunny live with us since he’s super clean and wouldn’t harm anything and he’s litter box trained.


How the heck am I supposed to not make these last months so sad and how do I cope with this? I’m so lost and sad. I love my BF to death but I’m use to home being my parents house so the though Of living with him and not in my “home” is so scary although I love this boy to death.