Am I being a bad mom? My daughter seems to think so.

My daughter is LAZY when it comes to school. She’s 9 and in the 3rd grade. She’s been this way *literally* since kindergarten. She lies about reading/taking tests on books in class, she’s been failing nearly every assignment(NOT because she doesn’t understand it, because she just doesn’t take her time to actually read problems), and her school won’t put her in any sort of remedial classes. We’ve tried tutors, went through her doctors to see if it was caused by dyslexia/adhd(it wasn’t). So, our one big rule now is that she’s not allowed to use any electronics during the school week, no tv, video games, tablets, nothing. We’ve had way too many conversations with her the past few years explaining to her that school is her one job. The one thing that we ask from her is to do well in school, and she could basically have freedom to do what she wants while she’s home.

We also have a 7 year old that’s in 1st. He’s the complete opposite. He loves school, is in gifted classes, and reads multiple chapter books per day. Because he does his “job,” he has a little more freedom and is allowed to watch a show during the week when he finishes his schoolwork.

Last night, I told both kids to read for a bit. My son finished his book and came downstairs. My daughter comes down crying and says that my husband and I “pick on her” by letting my son watch tv and not her. 😐

I was livid.

My husband comes home and we have a 45 minute chat about why she feels she should be given the same rewards that our son is given when she’s bringing home F’s and he’s working his butt off for his A’s, and that she shouldn’t feel she’s entitled to watching tv on a school night when we can’t even ask her to read a book with her throwing a fit.

We told her that all of the leniency we’ve been giving her lately is gone, since she thinks that attending a field trip that she wasn’t supposed to be on because of her grades, going to birthday parties while she was supposed to be grounded, and spending all weekend watching movies and playing at the park is us picking on her. We asked if there was anything she wanted to say, she said no. We tell her to go to bed, and this little girl seriously turns around and says, “Wait, what about my dessert?” 😵😵😵😵

I wanted to strangle this girl Homer Simpson style. 🤦🏽‍♀️

**Update-ish because I didn’t mention it in full post**

Husband and I sit with her and my son every night doing homework. Sometimes for hours a night. We read with them both and have an entire children’s library worth of books in our reading loft. Just last week, we spent 7 hours just making her Valentine’s project. Also, they have a $5 for B’s $10 for A’s incentive that we started when she was in Kindergarten.