3-4 days before ovulation??


Hi ladies, Has anyone ever conceived 3-4 days prior to ovulation?? Or even 5 days??. I am curious because my husband & I are TTC. I had my last period on Feb 5th. Then on Feb curious because my husband & I are TTC. I had my last period on Feb 5th. Then on Feb inside of me. The <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period apps</a> on my phone says I am going to ovulate on either Feb 18th or Feb 19th. And I'm just wondering has anyone ever conceived like 3-4 or maybe even 5 days before ovulation? Or should we get busy again before my Ovulation day? Lol. Really trying to make it stick this month!!

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