Brown spotting ... Some deep, dark red


Hi all!

I've been spotting for about 4 or 5 days. It's REALLY brown...some dark red.

I don't have any cramps or pain.

This is the 6th month I've had spotting before my period. In the past it's been mostly pink with some brown...very light brown.

It's mostly there when I wipe, but some has gotten on my pantyliner. It's not enough to fill it.

None of it appears to be fresh blood though.

I showed my husband and he said my spotting has never been like that before.

According to my apps, I'm now four or five days out from af. I want us to be pregnant SO bad. It's been two years.

Implantation bleeding or something else?

Has anyone seen a doctor about spotting after ovulation? I've used progesterone cream but it never stopped the spotting.

Please help