20 week old sleep like shit lol


Any thoughts or suggestions??

My daughter is 20 wks 4 days and will sleep from 7:45-1am ish in her crib. But then when she wakes up that first time she will only sleep for an hour at a time if I put her back in her crib.

She usually ends up in our bed which I know is a bad habit but I get so desperate for sleep 😩

She used to sleep so good before she hit three months 👎🏻

I usually give her a six ounce bottle before bed of formula. And the. I try not to nurse her in the middle of the night back to sleep but I’d be lying if I said that 50% of the time I don’t do it 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyone have any suggestions on what to do or why this may be happening??