Baby food??



I want to start my son on purées however have a few questions if you could help out!

1. How much do I give him in a feeding and how many times in a day?

2. Do I burp him after I feed him?

3. My son spits up a ton- does this mean he will spit up baby food as well?

Thanks lady any advice is appreciated!!

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We’ve been giving our 5 month old son purées & oatmeal cereal for a few weeks now. We we feed him them once a day, 1-2tbsp after breastfeeding at dinner time. It’s suuuper easy to make! Just steam your veggies (we’ve done carrots, peas, sweet potatoes... we’ve even steamed apples!) and then you purée with either the water that you just used, formula or breast milk until the consistency you want. We’ve also done bananas and avocados puréed with the liquid as well!Just start with one new food at a time and introduce a new one every few days to check for allergies. My baby doesn’t spit up his food.


Jennifer • Feb 17, 2020
We’ve tried & it doesn’t always work 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s worth a try


mamabear • Feb 17, 2020
Omg so cute!! Do you have to burp him afterwards?


Posted at
We started rice cereal at 4.5 months! Just did a couple little spoonfuls at dinner time, after her regular bottle. We’ve been doing that for a couple of weeks, and will soon increase it to morning/night. Then around 6 months probably start on real food (sweet potatoes, bananas, etc!)


Posted at
My baby spits up a ton also and still spits up baby food 😏 she will eat the whole thing of stage 1 which is 2 oz and I give her 3 oz of formula. Only once a day for now


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I actually give stage 2 purées. She manages to eat it all (4oz) but it’s ONCE a day for multiple in case of any reactions. I hope to adjust once she’s tried most of the single flavors after she’s 6 months old (she’s 2-3 weeks away). She’s all breastmilk before and after she eats the baby food 😊.


Posted at
We’ve been doing purées for a few weeks now and she’s 5.5 months 😊 We tried to start with baby oatmeal but she HATED it lol. So we moved on to sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, butternut squash, apples, pear, peach, mango, and banana! We tried one at a time for a couple days to look out for allergies but all was good and she has loved everything 😊I bought most of those flavors above in the gerber jars first just to make sure she liked them and then I made my own. I used canned green beans and frozen/precut peas, peaches, sweet potato, carrots, etc. It was super easy that way to steam and then purée in the food processor. I just thinned with water as needed. Then I put the puree in ice cube trays and let them freeze overnight. After that, I popped them out and stored in labeled gallon bags. I usually offer her one or two cubes at a time but always about 30 min after she has had a bottle. I just defrost in the microwave. We do this in the morning before work (we do fruit in the morning), and in the evening (vegetables at this time). My baby spits up A TON. I’m talking two or three times after every bottle and in between 🤦🏼‍♀️ She still spits up solids but not as much as formula. I’ve noticed that the carrots and the mango seem to be the worst. I actually stopped doing mango because it was that bad. But the spit up is getting slightly better some days now so I’m hoping this is the beginning of the end of that lol


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I just feed him until he stops taking it which is about 1/3 of a jar