
I like someone a lot. When I like someone I get jealous even when there not my boyfriend (which may sound stupid but this is when I know I really do like them) but this boy he had this girlfriend for 2 years (I think and imma call him Jose and the girl Ana). So Jose broke up with Ana because she was too jealous with him and he was getting tired of it. Then maybe a 4 months later he told his mom had feelings for me and then his mom told me which he didn’t know, but it was fine because I liked him too. Then Saturday it was like we had a connection I guess that’s what’s it called he had his hand over my shoulder and I put my head on his shoulder and we fell asleep on long car ride somewhere then the next day Sunday I saw Jose with Ana and together holding handing, making out, and things that other couples would do but he did know I saw them. Around 4 I went to say bye to him and Ana was there with him and I always give Jose hugs so I gave Jose a hug and Ana gave a bitch kinda look like the one that’s like don’t touch or hug my boyfriend look but he wanted to give me a hand shake which he never does

But I was talking to my friend about this and she was telling me that he is maybe confused on who he likes you or Ana but he will realize on the one he truly likes ,but can someone tell me what to do I really do like him and I know this group isn’t about love counseling but I’m not sure what to do I like him truly