feeling all the emotions ... šŸ˜£


so tonight my husband got home from work and we laid down to watch a movie.. all of the sudden his phone goes off with a notification and he asks me to check it, so I did.. it was just a bank notification. Then I scrolled to the main page to look at a video of our last appointment with baby boys heart beat when all of a sudden I see 2 suspicious apps under his ā€˜utilitiesā€™ folder.. I clicked on it and it happened to be 2 chat apps (red flagšŸš©) why are they under utilities?!! At this point heā€™s looking kind of nervous and I still didnā€™t think much of it. I asked him what the apps were and he tells me theyā€™re apps to share memes with people..šŸ¤” so I said okay, then I clicked on the first app and the first conversation that catches my eye is one that reads ā€œhey, whatā€™s up?ā€ (profile picture was a girl) he had sent this message and gotten no reply.. so then I started scrolling up to look at older conversations and I see what inevitably broke me ... heā€™s SEXTING her!!!!! heā€™s asking to see pictures of her boobs, asking her if sheā€™s a virgin, telling her he has boners... WTF!!!! I broke down.... he then begins to cry and apologize and the first thing he says is ā€œif you think Iā€™m cheating on you, Iā€™m not ... I promiseā€ ...... UMMMM idk about you guys but sexting is cheating to me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø he says heā€™s going to do all he can to get back my trust and blah blah blah ....... heā€™s apparently never met this girl, only through the app. Am I crazy?? Overreacting?? I just feel so betrayed... like Iā€™m not enough. Weā€™re expecting our first baby.. got married back in April of 2019. Why is he doing this now??!! Iā€™ve been feeling like heā€™s been sort of distant since we found out about baby. He never brings up conversations about being excited for the baby, never asks me how Iā€™m feeling. If I donā€™t start a conversation about the baby, he NEVER does.. we would literally never talk about our son if I wasnā€™t the one to bring him up.... and then this. As if I needed more stress added to my life right now šŸ˜£ I am so hurt. I feel broken, betrayed, not good enough... I just donā€™t even know if I still want to be with him at this point šŸ˜”