Ultrasound report


I wish I could just get that BFP but after my ultrasound it may not be that easy for me. Got the results yesterday and it said possible fibroid tumor. They couldn't see my right ovary (could have been hiding), my left is a big smaller than normal but I am also getting older, but what really stood out was my endometrial lining of only 6mm at 3 dpo. It should have been thicker. I am praying beyond belief that I get a positive. I don't see the doc until the 26th to get his insight. I did test today at 7 dpo knowing it is early, knowing it would be negative, but to get it out of my system so to say. I need all the prayers and baby dust sent my way. I will tell you about my experience Sunday with a tarot reader which was a beautiful, positive experience at a later date