am i pregnant??!


i’m 16 and my boyfriend and i have been having sex for a while now. the only contraception we use is condoms. the first time we had sex i had to take the morning after pill after doing it without a condom. it was fine and i had no symptoms afterwards.

right after i finished my most recent period we had sex and the condom broke so i took a morning after pill again (months after the first time). we have also had sex on 2 other occasions during this cycle but they were all protected.

about 5 days after i took the morning after pill (about a week after i finished my recent period) i bled for 3 days. i looked up some side effects of the morning after pill and bleeding was one. so i’m assuming that wasn’t my period? especially when majority of my periods last for 5 days usually?

however i am 7 days late from the day that my <a href="">period app</a> assumed that i was going to get my period ( it is usually pretty accurate i have been using the app ever since i got my period). but i have been getting period symptoms for a week now (cramps, emotional, boobs hurt WAY more then usual this cycle but assuming it’s still a period symptom?) which is a bit unusual for me because usually a couple days after i start getting cramps i get my period.

i’ve researched and apparently the morning after pill can make your period come up to a week early or late. still i’m worried. could i be pregnant?? help 😫